Matthew X. Curinga
Curriculum Vitae
Teachers College, Columbia University
EdD Instructional Technology & Media
Dissertation: Social software and the struggle for freedom
Sponsor: Robbie McClintock
Teachers College, Columbia University
MA Computing and Education
Colby College
BA English Literature
cum laude, honors in major
University College Cork
Year Abroad
Academic positions
Adelphi University
College of Education and Health Sciences
Associate Professor, 2016-present
Assistant Professor, 2010-2016
Teachers College Columbia University
Adjunct Instructor
Refereed articles & proceedings
Uttamchandani, S., Curinga, M., & Drew, J. (2024). Cartographic Syntonicity as a Tool for Equitable Computer Science Education. In Lindgren, R., Asino, T. I., Kyza, E. A., Looi, C. K., Keifert, D. T., & Suárez, E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024 (pp. 1327-1330). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Saravanos, A., & Curinga, M. (2023). Simulating the Software Development Lifecycle: The Waterfall Model. Applied System Innovation, 6(6), 108.
Curinga, M. (2016). The MOOC and the Multitude. Educational Theory, 66(3), 369–387.
de Freitas, E., & Curinga, M. (2015). New materialist approaches to the study of language and identity: Assembling the posthuman subject. Curriculum Inquiry, 45(3), 249–265.
Curinga, M., & Auchter, K. (2015). Designing PyTutor: A Social Tutor to Support Computer Science Education Through Collaborative Study. In Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschman, P. Tchounikine, & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.), Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning: The Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference 2015 (Vol. 2, pp. 833–834). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Battaglia, D., Curinga, M., Minicozzi, L., Vaughn-Shavuo, F., McCarthy, M. J., & Zarco, E. (2015). From laptop to tablet: a study of university faculty use of iPads to support instruction. Excelsior: Leadership in Teaching and Learning, 9(2).
Curinga, M. (2014). Critical analysis of interactive media with software affordances. First Monday, 19(9).
Sullivan, I., Garrison, J. R., & Curinga, M. (2011). Wikiotics: the interactive language instruction Wiki. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration (pp. 223–224).
de Freitas, E., Curinga, M., Roman-Dixon, E., & Webb, T. (Eds.). (2025 - in press). Learning Under Algorithmic Conditions. University of Minnesota Press.
Book chapters
Curinga, M. (2025 - in press). Learning, Algorithms and Computational Thinking. In E. de Freitas, M. Curinga, E. Roman-Dixon, & T. Webb (Eds.), Learning Under Algorithmic Conditions. University of Minnesota Press.
Curinga, M., & Saravanos, A. (2016). Mobile First Instructional Design. In D. Mentor (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Mobile Learning in Contemporary Classrooms. IGI Global.
Refereed conference papers & presentations
Curinga, M. (2025) Learning as Computational Thinking. The 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO, April 23-27, 2024.
Curinga, M., & de Freitas E. (2025) Mapping Student Flow Through Fragmented School Buildings. The 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO, April 23-27, 2024.
de Freitas E., & Curinga, M. (2025) How the concept of racial entropy came to shape ideas about school segregation: A critical analysis of the cybernetic assumptions in school demographic models. The 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO, April 23-27, 2024.
Curinga, M., de Freitas, E., Deninno, G., Zhumabaikyzy, A., & Filipek, C. (2025). Visualizing NYC School Colocations. NYC Open Data Week 2025, New York, NY, March 16-24, 2024.
Curinga, R., Hung, A. C. Y., & Curinga, M. (2025). ChatGPT Translanguaging for multilingual learners. The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2025. Denver, Colorado, March 22-25, 2025.
Curinga, M. & de Freitas, E. (2024). Computational Thinking and the Infant Mind: Towards the New Empiricisms of Software Studies. The 12th International Conference On Feminist New Materialisms, Dublin, Ireland, August 26-28, 2024.
Curinga, M. (2024) Online Platforms and Code/Space: Increasing Access and Equity in Computer Science Education. The 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, April 11-14, 2024.
Curinga, M. and Geier, J. (2024). Mapping open school and census data in New York City. NYC Open Data Week 2024, New York, NY, March 16-24, 2024.
Curinga, M. (2023). Protocol: A Constructionist game for teaching computing and adapted design in the Maker Lab. The 2023 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 13-16, 2023.
Curinga, M., Johnson, T., Sahabir, K., Wilcox, R., Choi, H., and Saravanos, A. (2023). Learning Python and data science with NYC Schools Open Data Portal. NYC Open Data Week 2023, New York, NY, March 11-18, 2023.
Curinga, M. (2018). Video games for learning in computer science education. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2018. Northumbria University, Newcastle, England, September 11-13, 2018.
Carlin, M., & Curinga, M. (2017). Educating against capitalism and corporatization through cooperative schooling. Presented at Marx’s Critique of Political Economy and the Global Crisis Today: On the 150th Anniversary of the Publication of Capital, Hofstra University, New York.
Auchter, K., Groves, H., and Curinga, M. (2015). Opening OER to more students through computer supported peer tutoring. The sixth international conference on Open Education, Cardiff, Wales, April 14-15, 2015.
Curinga, M. (2014). Networks, design, and solidarity. The Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association (US), Salt Lake City, May 29-31, 2014.
Curinga, M. (2013). The MOOC and the Multitude. The 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 27 - May 1, 2013.
Curinga, M. (2012). Hacking Education, in Symposium Technology to Change Society: What Not to Do. Hackers On Planet Earth: Hope 9, New York City, July 13-15, 2012.
Curinga, M. (2012). To know is not important: Ivan Illich and Jacques Rancière’s relational pedagogy. Presented at The 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, Canada.
Curinga, M. (2011). Building the learning commons: education as the work of producing open learning materials. Mobility shifts: an international future of learning summit. The New School, New York, October 10-16, 2011.
Hoffman, D., Saravanos, A., Hung, A. C. Y. and Curinga, M. (2011). Examining the importance of spatial contiguity and implicit learning in educational game design. Presented at Games+Learning+Society (GLS) 7.0, Madison, WI, June 15-17.
Saravanos, A., & Curinga, M. Lessons learned from using a wiki as a course management system. Presented at The 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). Milwaukee, WI, USA, March 10-13, 2010.
Sullivan, I. and Curinga, M. (2010). Wikiotics language lesson assembly studio. Mozilla Drumbeat Festival: learning, freedom and the web. Barcelona, Spain, November 3-5, 2010.
Saravanos, A., Curinga, M., Saravanos, A., Richards, R., Paek, S., and Kinzer, C. K. (2010). Examining the effects of instructor errors in asynchronous video. The 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, CO.
Curinga, M. (2009) Wikipedia and Jacques Rancière’s philosophy of radical equality. Proceedings of Wikimania 2009, academic track.
Curinga, M. and Hung, A. C. Y. (2009). Wikipedia and the emancipatory pedagogy of Jacques Rancière. TCETC Conference: Technology, Media and Designs for Learning. Columbia University, New York, May 10-11.
Kleifgen, J., Curinga, M., and Kaun, K. (2008) STEPS to literacy for emergent bilinguals: integrating web-based and curricular support for Latino middle-school writers. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting 2008. San Francisco.
Kleifgen, J., Curinga, M., and Kaun, K. (2007) Multimodal Resources for Writing: Students Taking First STEPS+G. The 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Chicago.
Kinzer, C. and Curinga, M. (2007) STEPS+G: A Framework for Multiple Perspectives to Enrich Latino Students’ Academic Writing. The 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association. Chicago.
Arora, P., Curinga, M., and Kaun, K. (2006) STEPS to Literacy: Using First Language to Facilitate Second Language Writing through an Innovative Literacy Software Tool. Association of Latin American Scholars (ALAS) 4th Annual Education Across the Americas Graduate Student Conference. Teachers College, March 31 &; April 1, 2006.
Book Reviews
Curinga, M. (2011). [Review of the book Good Faith Collaboration: The Culture of Wikipedia]. Teachers College Record.
Other Talks & Papers
Curinga, M. [Panelist] (2024). Project Invent Demo Day X. Project Invent, New York, NY, May 31, 2024.
Curinga, M. (2016). Handbook of Research on Mobile Learning in Contemporary Classrooms, with Dominic Mentor & Contributors [panel discussion]. Teachers College, Columbia University. October 24, New York.
Curinga, M. [symposium chair] (2013). The Poverty of Cognitive Capitalism. The 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 27 - May 1, 2013.
Curinga, M. (2013). Learning Management Systems: Moodle and Beyond. The Adelphi University 2013 Teaching, Learning and Technology Conference, April 10, New York.
Curinga, M. & Crowley, J. (2013) [invited speaker]. Encouraging Learner Agency. Hybrid and Online Teaching & Learning Seminar, Adelphi University, New York, January 10 - 17, 2013.
Curinga, M. [panel chair] (2012). The Occupy Movement: Youth Activism and Social Media. Adelphi University Seventh Annual Conference for Peace and Human Rights, Adelphi University, New York, March 29-30.
Curinga, M. [discussant] (2011). Fusing Technology With Instruction: Finding Ways to Make Technology Effective for Learning. Symposium at the AERA Annual Meeting 2011. New Orleans.
Curinga, M. (2011). Teaching the Foundations of Open Education. Wikipedia Day 10th Birthday Celebration and Mini-Conference, New York University, New York, January 15, 2011.
Curinga, M. [panelist] (2010). Pedagogical freedom. DebConf10: Debian, Free Software, and Education. New York, August 1-7, 2010.
Curinga, M. (2009). Education – Software – Freedom. Invited lecture, EdLab Seminar, Columbia University, New York. May 13, 2009.
Curinga, M. (2006). The STEPS+G and CTELL technical architectures: possibilities for building interactive language software. Paper presentation at the Second International Roundtable on Digital Language Learning. Tamkang University, Taiwan, December 12-13, 2006.
Curinga, M. (2001). [panelist] Wireless Stimulants: BREW and Wireless Java. CTIA Wireless & Internet Conference, San Diego, September 10, 2001.
White papers, working papers, technical reports, etc
Curinga, M. and Timlaris, L. (2010). Technology and Education Transformation. Technical report prepared for the Intel Strategy, Research and Assessment Team.
Curinga, M. (2010). Mobile Learning. Technical report prepared for the Intel Strategy, Research and Assessment Team.
Curinga, M. (2010). Education and the Semantic Web. Technical report prepared for the Intel Strategy, Research and Assessment Team.
Curinga, M. (2009). Web 2.0 and Learning: a review of literature. Technical report prepared for the Intel Strategy, Research and Assessment Team.
Works in progress
de Freitas, E., & Curinga, M. (under review). How the concept of racial entropy came to shape our ideas about segregation: Exposing the cybernetic assumptions in demographic models.
Curinga, M., & de Freitas, E. (under review). Computational Thinking and the Infant Mind: Towards the New Empiricisms of Software Studies. Learning, Media and Technology.
Curinga, R., Raña, R., Curinga, M., & Maryutina, E. (under review). Assessing and placing emergent bilinguals in U.S. schools: Findings from field interviews. International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism.
Software works
python – pandas
Open source python library to analyze public school data
javascript – react - node
Peer Challenge
Mobile app to support peer-to-peer learning
python – django
Social/peer learning for computer science problems
Free/Open language learning wiki
java – android
Mobile flashcards and studying
python – zope
STEPS to Literacy
Bilingual writing/instructional platform for critical literacy
Gamified media/market research platform
java – android
Crisp Wireless’ mobile media authoring platform
cold fusion (!!)
Web Content Management System
Funded Grants
R²E²ADI (Recruiting and Retaining Educators for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion). Office of Strategic Workforce Development (OSWD), the State University of New York (SUNY). co-PIs: Emily Kang, Matthew X. Curinga, Tracy Hogan, and Stephen Rubin
Mapping school buildings using sensory ethnographic methods: A district-wide study of school architecture and spatial justice. Spencer Foundation Large Grant. co-PIs: Elizabeth de Freitas, Laura Kurgan, and Matthew X. Curinga
Spatial Justice as a Bridge to Responsible Computing. Mozilla Foundation Responsible Computing Challenge. co-PIs: Suraj Uttamchandani, Matthew X. Curinga, and John Drew
Adelphi STEAM pipeline (ASP): Preparing next generation science teachers, Phase II. National Science Foundation Noyce Program. PI: Tracy Hogan, co-Pis: Cindy Maguire, Matthew X. Curinga, Elizabeth de Freitas
BLAST: Bilingual Language Assessment and Skills Tracker. National Science Foundation I-Corps. Rocio Raña (technical lead), Evgeniya Maryutina (entrepreneurial lead), Matthew X. Curinga (industry mentor)
Curriculum Innovation on STEAM and Educator beliefs on teaching and learning. Adelphi University: Dean’s Initiative. co-PIs: Tracy Hogan, Cindy Maguire, Matthew X. Curinga, Elizabeth de Freitas
Robotics for Programming. Adelphi University Instructional Technology Grant. PI: Matthew X. Curinga
Wikiotics Design Research. Adelphi University Faculty Development Grant. PI: Matthew X. Curinga
Awards & Honors
Selected as a 2024 ambassador for the micro:bit educational foundation
University-wide award for excellence in teaching with monetary compensation
Selected for faculty cohort to develop a service learning course for computer science education
Professional service & Volunteer Work
Industry Partners Board
Urban Assembly Maker Academy High School
board member
Portland, OR
Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (ACM SIGCSE)
Associate Chair, conference posters
MIXI Institute, NYC
Learning Under Algorithmic Conditions
Conference co-chair
Brooklyn, NY
MIXI Institute for STEM and the Imagination
co-founder, faculty researcher
Adelphi University
Graduate Program in STEAM Teaching and Learning
Coordintaor: Computer Science concentration
Adelphi University
Graduate Program in Educational Technology
Program Director
Brooklyn, NY
Zero Day Camp (non-profit organization)
co-founder, Board of Directors
Brooklyn, NY
Sarah Smith Garnet Public School 9
Bilingual Education & Technology Advisor
Wikiotics Foundation (non-profit organization)
Board of Directors
JCEPS: Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies
Advisory Board
New York, NY
Advisory Board
New York, NY
spaces e-journal of arts and humanities
Editorial Board, Teachers College
New York, NY
ContentBank/The Children’s Partnership
Technology Advisor
Harlem, NY
Playing2Win Community Technology Center
Volunteer Teacher: Computer Programming and New Media Production
Grady, AR
First Baptist Church
Volunteer Adult ESL Instructor
Courses Taught
Course | Format(s) |
Adelphi University, Dept of Math & Comp Science | campus |
Computer programming for non-majors (undergraduate) | campus |
Introduction to computer programming | online, campus |
Adelphi University, College of Education & Health Sciences | |
Digital literacies | online |
Educational information systems and networks | online, campus |
Educators multimedia studio | hybrid, online |
Foundations of open education | hybrid |
Learning with video games | campus |
Maker Lab 1: Equity lab | campus |
Maker Lab 2: Equity lab | campus, hybrid |
Maker Lab 3: School lab | campus, hybrid |
Mobile learning | hybrid |
Online learning | hybrid |
Research & evaluation of ed tech | campus |
Special Topic: Philosophy of visual media | online |
Special Topic: Learning analytics | online |
Teaching with social media | online |
Web based programming of educational media | online, campus |
Community, Schools, & Society (undergraduate) | campus |
Technology and instruction | campus |
Teachers College, Columbia University | |
Object Oriented Programming | campus |
Introduction to computers, language, and literacy, co-taught with Jo Anne Kleifgen | campus |
Data driven website development | campus |
Integrative Masters Projects & Theses (directed)
V. Delucia, A novel mobile game for middle school math instruction
N. Spinelli, Effectiveness of the Delta Math ILS for secondary mathmatics education
T. Randazzo, Web-based professional development for novice SPED teachers
C. Berry, Program evaluation of elementary school digital game-based learning
S. Swift, A new course on artificial intelligence for graduate level teaching candidates
Y. Cai, Transluaging with ChatGPT
R. Tarantola, Generative AI and music composition
S. Romanello, Impact of school technology integration on student social health
A. King, Visualizing K-12 mental health data
B. Willouby, 3D modeling and manipulations for secondary geometry instruction
J. Liang, Augmented reality and instructional design: a review of literature
R. Wilcox, Development of multimedia learning materials for teaching data science
B. Gardner, Web resources for elementary STEAM learning
Y. Chen, Multimedia Chinese course for lower elementary students
N. Gennaro, Ripper: An interactive historical fiction game
M. Meeker, Impact of Social Emotional Learning mindset on students with disabilities
G. Masters, Web-based STEM learning resources
J. Santana, Spider: a python program to visualize classroom discussions
V. Evans, A multimedia review of apps for education
W. Guo, A literature review of games for math education
J. Del Rosario-Babcock, A self-paced course to prepare students for CS1
A. Floratos, Media literacy and peer learning
J. Eunice, Virtual learning for teachers
C. Owens, An online escape room for computer science education
J. Liu, Digital literacies and students with visual impairments
B. Dove, YouTube and informal music education
S. Henke, K-12 computer science education instrucitonal design
C. McCarraher, Math and computer science problem solving: a review of literature
D. Matishek, Programming a collaborative college advising system
X. Guo, Children's coding hub
S. Brodsky, Television and education
R. Lucia, An augmented reality game of CS education
K. Williams, Assessing accessibility of online courses at Adelphi University
R. Sobeck, Interactive poetry with Twine
F. Carus, Designing an online OER for chemistry instruction
A. Turturro, Designing a DIY listening center for the elementary classroom with Raspberry Pi
C. Correa & J. Trask, Investigation of video conferencing software to support synchronous online learning
A. Lynch, Spanish multimedia language learning and peer exchanges
K. Hart, HCI and user experience in scholarly search systems
L. Dumitrescu, Universal Design for Learning in Massive Open Online Courses
J. Diaz, A MOOC for high school history
K. Auchter, PyTutor: a web-based Python tutor
E. Flynn, Debate Time: a debate score and timing app
S. Bogdanov, MobiLit: an information literacy mobile game for learning
T. Jennings, Linking physical and virtual learning environments
A. Fleurimond, Computer programming for educators: a proposition for the inclusion of computational thinking in teacher preparation programs and professional development
Undergraduate Honors Theses (reader)
"The millennial epistemology: Viralism"
"How video games change the brain and influence behavior"
Work Experience
Professional software development
Lead Software Developer
Nielsen / IAG Research
Lead Programmer, Web Applications
Crisp Wireless
Co-founder, Chief Technical Officer
Sohonet (later RunTime Technologies)
K-12 Education
New York, NY
Computer Curriculum Corporation (now Pearson Education)
Educational Technology Consultant, Public School District 32, Brooklyn
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Alternative Education Center
ESL Teacher (grades 9-12)
Los Angeles, Houston, Arkansas
Teach For America
Corps Member, Curriculum Consultant and Instructor for Summer Institute
Grady, Arkansas
Grady Public Schools
Bilingual/ESL Teacher (P-12), District Migrant Education Coordinator
Python (Pandas, Numpy, GeoPandas, Flask, Django, NLTK, circuit/micropython), Javascript (React, Leaflet, d3, node), Java, Android, SQL/nosql, PHP, LISP, C++
English, Spanish, intermediate Italian